Customized Learning

Behind the term Customised Learning is the idea of creating a school that can adapt to your child. Our goal is for our students to find themselves at the Josef Schwarz School with their strengths and weaknesses. The idea of the adapting school is reflected in the school concept at the JSS in three ways.

I. Distinguishing Possibilities

At the Josef-Schwarz-Schule, every student has a variety of opportunities to set their own priorities during their school career.

From grade 7 on, an elective subject can be selected.

The following choices are available:


From grade 8, a second focus is set with the profile subject.

The following subjects can be chosen:


From Grade 11, in JSS Collegestudents also have the option to choose an additional new starting language.

There is a choice between:

  • Spanish 
  • Latin (Minimum number of students signing up necessary for commencement)


From Grade 12 in our JSS College, there is a wide range of subjects. Our main focus lies in the following:

Distinguishing possibilities: Choices as follows:
Grade 7 French / AES / Technology
Grade 8 Natural Sciences / Information Technology / Spanish / Sport
Grade 11 New Starting Language: Spanish / Latin
Grade 12 Information Technology / Natural Sciences / Business

II. Proficiency levels

The school system in Baden-Württemberg has a three-tier structure and is graded according to the performance of the students. The strengths and weaknesses of the individual play only a minor role. This is exactly where we at the Josef-Schwarz-Schule would like to start and enable our students to make full use of their potential, while at the same time supporting them in meeting their challenges appropriately.

In this way, the Josef-Schwarz-Schule allows its students to choose between three different levels in each subject:

G-level: basic level lower secondary school leaving certificate
M-level: intermediate level secondary school leaving certificate
E-level: extended level Abitur

A student can, for example, study mathematics at the Gymnasium level, while working on French at the Realschule level. It is only in grade 9 that a final decision has to be made on which (uniform) level to work at or which qualification to aim for.

In general, the Gymnasium level is our starting point for each subject; students at other levels receive differentiated support accordingly.

III. Assistant Teachers (AT)

In order to enable work at different levels, we consistently employ two teachers in all main subjects: a main teacher, who is responsible for teaching the subject, and an assistant teacher (AT). The AT supports students who are working at a different level to follow the lessons. This is done, for example, through additional explanations, different tasks or small group teaching.