Tuition Fees

(valid from the school year 2024/25 – subject to change)


In order to enable as many children as possible to access our educational programs, Phorms tuition fees for the primary school are income related. For the reception class, the same fixed amount applies to all parents. In the following, you will find more information about the individual tuition fees.

Total household

income per annum

Monthly costs
 1st Child2nd Child3rd Child (ff.)

up to 50,000 €

Tuition Fee65 €40 €10 €
Profile Contribution1)35 €25 €15 €
Hort / Holiday Care2)85 €85 €85 €
Catering2)125 €125 €125 €
Monthly total310 €275 €235 €

up to 135,000 €

Tuition Fee100 €70 €40 €
Profile Contribution1)190 €105 €25 €
Hort / Holiday Care2)85 €85 €85 €
Catering2)125 €125 €125 €
Monthly total500 €385 €275 €
> 135,000 €Tuition Fee110 €80 €50 €
Profile Contribution1)520 €435 €335 €
Hort / Holiday Care2)85 €85 €85 €
Catering2)125 €125 €125 €
Monthly total840 €725 €595 €

The sum of all family income  generally refers to the gross annual income from both legal guardians accoring to their income tax assessment (Einkommenssteuerbescheid) two years before admission. Parents in the highest income category do not need to present an income tax assessment or other proof of income.

Bilingual profile and related elements such as lessons beyond the timetable, Assistant Teacher, individual support time, talent programs, school coaches. Learn more here

An extensive after-school program, various interesting offers within the vacation program as well as freshly prepared meals are available as optional services within our all-day program.

At the beginning of each schol year we charge 90 Euro for materials.

At the beginning of the school year we charge an excursion fee of 60 Euro.
Larger class trips such as school trips, student exchanges and ski trips as well as stays abroad etc. are of course excluded and will continue to be charged separately.

The admissions fee to the Josef-Schwarz-Schule is 200 Euro once off and will not be charged again when changing departments.