Preparing to join the school
How can I join the Friends’ Association?
Information about and a registration form for our Friends’ Association is available on our website.
Are school uniforms available?
School uniforms are worn as outerwear and for physical education. These can be ordered at www.phorms-shop.de.
Are food and drink available at school throughout the day?
Children can have breakfast at the school up to 8:00AM. There is a snack at 10:00AM, lunch at 12:00 noon, and an afternoon snack at 3:00PM. Children only need to bring their water bottles to school, which they can fill at school with still water or mineral water.
Do you celebrate the children’s first day of school?
There is a traditional celebration for the Reception children’s first day of school, and for children joining the first grade. The specific date will be communicated to parents of registered children.
What are the school’s hours of operation?
Classes start daily at 8:15 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday lessons end at 3:30 p.m., Wednesday and Friday at 1:35 p.m. We respectfully request that children not be registered elsewhere (for clubs, music school, etc.) outside of these hours. A doctor’s appointment is always acceptable during school operating hours; however we do request a notification in these cases.
Which subjects are taught in German?
The following subjects are taught in German in the Reception class: Introductory German (Phonics), Physical Education, Religion and the cross-class Nature Project.
The following subjects are taught in German in the first and subsequent grades: German, Physical Education, and Religion.